Even Ruffians like long Nails: The new MAC Ruffian Manicures in Spectator, Demoiselle as well as Demilune

press on, fellow lacquer lover! press on…these new beige, red as well as black temporary press-on nails from MAC.

Leave it to MAC to make press-on nails neat again… They took something I enjoy doing — painting my nails — as well as said, “Yeah, however inspect this out.”


The 24 nails in each of the three new MAC Ruffian Manicure sets are available in a range of nail shapes as well as sizes, as well as they aren’t just pre-painted in solid colors. They’re like directly up nail art!

In the very first set, Demilune, a black matte sits atop a golden chrome strip along the base; Spectator, the second set, bookends a glossy cream-colored center with glossy black stripes; as well as the third set, Demoiselle, paints thin white as well as black arches at the extremely tip as well as base of a gorgeous, glossy red.

All three sets are offered on the internet now in north america ($25 US, $30 CDN) as well as coming in September to choose worldwide locations.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


They’re designed to be used to bare, natural nails, as well as they’re quite simple to apply…except for one prospective sticking point, however more on that in a sec.

It’s nice that the sets include 24 nails each, so you stand a great possibility of discovering 10 among them to in shape the shape as well as size of each of your fingernails (MAC, what about mah toes?!).

When you go to put these on, be cautious lining them up along the base of your cuticles before pressing them down, since that adhesive? — that stuff is no joke. method stronger than Lee Press-On Nails from back in the day.

Granted, the adhesive is most likely not strong sufficient to keep your nails from moving while you play an epically long piano sonata or type out a novel…but it should be sticky sufficient for a night on the town.

And in spite of the uber-glue, the nails are still fairly simple to remove. just simplicity each one off by peeling slowly from the side. If you’re careful, you should be able to get in one more 3-4 utilizes before the adhesive loses its mojo.

I believe it’s likewise awesome that they don’t leave behind any type of sticky residue when they’re removed.

For me as well as my little hands, Demilune, with the shorter length of each nail as well as the squared tip, was the most comfortable of the three…and I likewise believe it looks the coolest! I like the inverted golden half moon as well as the matte black against the gold chrome.

That’s just hot.

As a part-time perfectionist, I’m not crazy about the teeny chips at the end of a few of the matte nails, however it’s not terribly obvious if you don’t look as well closely.

I had a bit difficulty going about my day with Spectactor as well as Demoiselle… I believe they’re just much as well long for me, as well as I kept having a hard time to do daily tasks, like typing as well as opening up tubes of lipstick.

I felt like I had eagle talons! — as well as I accidentally clawed off a huge chunk of Ruffian Red Lipstick from the bullet.


Oh — whatever you do, don’t run your fingers with you hair when you’re using these. I did earlier today while using Demilune as well as yelped when one of the nails got caught. It took a minute or so to simplicity it out without breaking any/many strands.

I would have liked to end this evaluation with something kitschy like, “MAC nailed it!” however I don’t know… fun for a play day or a night on the town, however not something I’d wear every day.


PRICE: $25 US, $30 CDN (available in three styles, each with 24 nails)
AVAILABILITY: offered on the internet now in north america as well as coming to choose worldwide MAC places in September
ការតុបតែងមុខក៏ដូចជាការវាយតំលៃប្លុកសម្រស់: ខ

អ្នកញៀនសម្រស់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នករាក់ទាក់


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