Deborah Lippmann’s limited edition Trio of Radiant, Glittery holiday polishes Promises to rock This town

The new limited edition Deborah Lippmann rock This town Trio ($42)
NOTE TO SELF: do not from multitask while thinking about Deborah Lippmann’s $42 rock This town Trio, because if you try to do anything a lot more complicated than walking while contemplating the glittery polishes in this limited edition set, you end up doing bone-headed things like stepping out of the shower and rubbing face wash, instead of moisturizer, on your legs and only realizing it a full minute later.



Light seems to love the glitter in mauve Moon Dance, copper Phoenix Rising and blackened khaki Chain reaction a lot more than usual.

As do I.

I don’t know why, but these polishes are downright dazzling…like getting caught in a tractor beam powered by Ryan Gosling’s smile.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


From the left: Chain Reaction, Moon dance and Phoenix Rising
Two layers of Chain Reaction
Phoenix Rising

Two layers of Moon Dance

The three polishes in the kit, which is one of six holiday sets this year, are also a pretty good deal. Debby-Deb normally charges $16-18 per 0.50-ounce full-size bottle, but with this kit you get three full-size bottles for $42, or $14 each.

A good deal on some great glitter…

I also like that these aren’t absolutely normal holiday shades. They’re a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, but still elegant, and when I look really, really closely at each of them, I can see little flashes of purple and pink.

Nice touch, D.

PRICE: $42 for the set
AVAILABILITY: available now at Deborah Lippmann counters and
ការតុបតែងមុខនិងការវាយតំលៃប្លក់ប្តឹងឧទ្ធរណ៍: ក –

Sweet Honeydew Intimates!

Am I the only woman irked by the word “panties”?

No? Anywho, I’ve been needing new drawers, so I picked up a few pairs of Honeydew Intimates Boyshorts ($5 each!) on deep discount from HauteLook. I’d seen them before at Nordie’s and thought they were cute, but I didn’t want to pay full price ($14) for a single pair.

I’m thankful I finally snagged ’em because they’re really great. Soft material, so they don’t ride up, and they sit low enough not to peek out from my jeans.

I also just like the little feminine touches, like the lace and bows.

I identified a few different styles on sale over at for $8.40 each, in case you’re interested.

I may get a couple a lot more pairs, along with these over-the-knee argyle socks.




ភី។ ស៊ី។ ស៊ី How’s it going, friend? I came close to not publishing anything appeal related today because I just didn’t really feel like it after tuning in to the news, but I wanted to share something at least a little light and positive…

Sometimes I wonder about us, ya know? People. I like to believe that the world’s a good place, but often it scares me. It just really, really scares me.

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