Introducing the new DHC face color Palettes… how very Paul & Joe!

The new DHC face color Palettes, $20 each
Do you DHC?

It’s a Japanese skincare brand (famous for their bestselling Deep Cleansing Oil).


Next month the brand releases several new makeup products for lips, faces and cheeks.

I’m really feelin’ the new blush duos… There’s something very Paul & Joe about them, don’t you think?

Glowing Rose
Radiant Ruby
Just use the darker shade to tintify (my word) the apples of your cheeks, followed by the lighter shade to highlight your upper cheekbones. Or, mix both shades together for something completely new. Either way, cheeks get a sheer, natural-looking glow.

If you dig the no-makeup makeup look, these could be right up your alley.


One thing to consider: the three pinkish/rosy shades are quite similar. In fact, I can hardly tell them apart in their pans or on my skin.

The blush duos, which contain sodium hyaluronate, jojoba and olive oils, and hydrating ceramides to help them blend like butter on the skin, are available in four shades — glowing Rose, Radiant Ruby, Pearly PInk and Sunny Bronze.

If you’re interest is piqued, make a note in your calendar for February 1, which is when they’re available through DHC’s catalog (you can sign up to receive it here), or snag them online at for $20 each.

Pearly Pink
Sunny Bronze
Glowing rose (two swatches on the left) and Radiant Ruby (swatches on the right)
Pearly Pink (two swatches on the left) and Sunny Bronze (swatches on the right)

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