New Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick and Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer, available at CVS/Pharmacy Meow

As a participant in this program with Revlon and CVS/pharmacy, I’ve received product samples and/or compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I’m sitting here with my lips in high definition! – សំរាប់​តែ​អ្នក។

So…what does HD even mean anyway?


Maybe it refers to back in the day (seven years ago), when HD filming took off on TV, and everybody was like, “Oh! Let’s do makeup for HD,” which was completely different than regular makeup (but really, a lot of it was marketing).

Hey, whatever. I’m a sucker for it.

In Revlon’s new Ultra HD™ Lipstick and Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer lines ($9.99 each and available now in a wide range at CVS/pharmacy stores), the HD is more or less code for “Gel Technology,” which is what they say these have. Basically, you’ve got a gel base, rather than a wax, and it’s designed to deliver purer pigments that are truer to what you see in the tube. They also feel softer and bouncier on the lips.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


I really get the sense that both of these are hugging my lips, and when I say “hugging,” I don’t mean like a bear hug, or one of those “Hey, girl!” hugs with the two hands, where you pat somebody’s back. I mean, like a good hug, where you feel the product caress your lips and hold them tightly.

It’s kind of a pervy hug…like if someone comes up to you and hugs you a little too tightly, and you’re like, “Oh!”

But it’s not that gross! It’s actually very nice.

Wear time depends on whether we’re talking about the lipsticks or the lacquers, with the lacquers lasting 3-4 hours, and the lipsticks lasting about half as long.

With the lipsticks — they’re super smooth, and you get a lot of color from a single swipe. I think they’re closer to really intensely pigmented lip balms than straight-up lipsticks, and even the brighter colors still have some sheerness to them.

Six of 20 available Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipsticks

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick
$9.99, available now at CVS/pharmacy in 20 shades

Smooth, lightweight, non-sticky formula, brief 2-hour wear time, and a caramel and raspberry flavor and scent (officially, it’s whipped vanilla and cream mango?). medium coverage. and they’re all named after flowers.

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Azalea
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in sweet Pea
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Rose

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Hibiscus

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Tulip

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Poppy
Six of 15 available Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquers
Both products, the lipsticks and the lacquers, taste and smell a bit like caramel and raspberry to me, which may sound gross, but it totally works. It’s not overwhelming or annoying at all.

The lip lacquers feel thicker than the lipsticks and are utterly flooded with intense pigment. because of that, I think of them more as liquid lipsticks with a glossy finish.

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer
$9.99, available now at CVS/pharmacy in 15 shades

The same raspberry and caramel flavor and scent as the Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipsticks. Medium-weight, semi-sticky formula. They start off as full coverage but drop to medium coverage over time. Interestingly, they last longer than the lipsticks on my lips. about 3-4 hours. and these are named after gemstones! After all, pink diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Tourmaline
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Pink Diamond
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Petalite
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Citrine
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in fire Opal
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Sunstone
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Azalea
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in sweet Pea
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Rose
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Hibiscus
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Tulip
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick in Poppy
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Tourmaline
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Pink Diamond
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Petalite
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Citrine
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in fire Opal
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer in Sunstone


Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick Swatches From the left: Azalea, sweet Pea and Rose
Revlon Ultra HD™ Lipstick Swatches From the left: Hibiscus, Tulip and Poppy

Revlon Ultra HD™ Lip Lacquer From the left: Tourmaline, Pink Diamond, Petalite, Citrine, fire Opal and Sunstone


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