Sheet mask stock

I’ve amassed a great deal of sheet masks.  They’re an affordable pick-me-up that have ended up being much more easily offered in Canada in recent years.  For those of you who don’t understand what sheet masks are, they’re pre-soaked disposable paper masks that delivers concentrated skincare (usually serum) to the face. After freshly cleaning the face, the sheet mask is applied for roughly 15 minutes as well as the staying serum is enabled to soak into the face, followed by routine moisturizer.  They’re an Oriental charm staple, as well as it used to be that I bought mine solely on the internet at, however nowadays, with The deal with Shop at our regional buying malls, as well as even drugstores bring sheet masks, there are unlimited sources.

Here’s an summary of what’s in my present sheet mask stock – I won’t go as well extensive about each:

10x deal with shop genuine Nature sheet masks @ $2 each.  They’re often on some kind of volume discount so I like to stock up.

The outer 2 are likewise from The deal with shop however they’re a bit much more expensive (around $5-8 each as I recall), however they’re expected to be “awesome” according to the man who helped me at the store.  The middle one is by Leaders Insolution which I got at an overpriced Oriental charm shop downtown, called Jealousy.  I believe I paid $7 for it (I know, I got ripped off).  The only reason why I purchased it was since I’ve heard so many rave reviews about this brand of sheet masks, however it’s always offered out online.

Don’t discount rate these My Melody sheet masks because they’re so cute – they’re really remarkable sheet masks!  This sheet mask was my introduction to 3D masks where the mask is somewhat pre-shaped which makes them abide by the deal with a great deal better.

Box of 5 Lifecella masks – I did a browse for “hyaluronic acid” on sasa as well as this was well reviewed.  I’ve utilized 1 mask so far as well as it’s rather good – I plan to evaluation these in the future.

I got the 3 on the best for totally free from the Korean charm store where I purchase my preferred BB cream, as well as I discovered the 3 on the left at the drugstore, the “Life” brand is the personal label brand of our major drugstore chain, consumers medication Mart.  They were 3 for $5 as well as are made in Korea.

Random sheet masks from sasa – I always stock up on sheet masks whenever sasa provides totally free shipping on $29 minimum purchase.  I tons up my cart with $29 worth of sheet masks each time.

I like to kind by lowest cost when I’m on sasa – that aqua moisture mask only expense $1 as well as it’s great.

A few eye masks.  I can’t wait to utilize the Tony Moly one since it looks hilariously ridiculous.

In total, I currently have 42 sheet masks (not including the eye masks).  I plan to utilize 1 to 2 masks per week as well as then when I’m down to a few, I will replenish my inventory.

Are you a sheet mask fiend?  Please suggest your favourites for me to try!

PS ។ If you’re into sheet masks, head over to Oriental charm Obsessed, she evaluations sheet masks regularly!


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