Travel Makeup: What I Brought and What I wore

because I get a kick out of seeing what other people bring on their trips (I guess I’m just a voyeur like that!), here’s all the makeup stuff I brought on mine.

Everything in this picture here fit in my MAC Mia Moretti bag.


For the record, the trip was about three full days (I know, I brought a lot), and this was all under the assumption that it was going to be hot and muggy in new Orleans, which it was.

Actually, that doesn’t come remotely close to describing just how hot and muggy it really was. I was covered in a layer of sweat pretty much the entire time.

Bobbi brown extra Illuminating moisture Balm (a few pumps in a spare contact lens case)

Make Up For ever step 1 Skin Equalizer Smoothing primer (a few squeezes into another contact lens case)

Diorskin nude Air Serum (made a sample for myself in a small sample-size jar, but it leaked, BOO!)

NARS pro Prime Smudge-Proof Eyeshadow Base

Anastasia Beverly Hills clear Brow Gel

Estee Lauder little Black Primer

Chanel Le volume de Chanel Mascara

Make Up For ever double Barrel Pencil Sharpener

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Dark Brown

MAC Pearlglide intense Eye liner in Black Swan

Chanel Stylo Yeux waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliners in Santal and Noir Intense

Tom Ford Eye Defining Pen in Deeper

MAC Eye Kohl in Powersurge

MAC paint Pot in Groundwork

MAC Monsters Bride pro palette X 6 (limited edition, but it has Mylar, Omega, Club, Brun and Carbon, which are some of my most-worn, favorite MAC permanent shades of all time)

MAC Eye shadow in Cork

MAC Eye shadow in Woodwinked

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish natural in medium Tan

Shu Uemura Lash Curler

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer in Biscuit

YSL Touche Eclat in 4.5

Urban Decay All Nighter makeup setting Spray

Hourglass Ambient lighting Powder in Radiant Light

Bobbi brown face & Body Bronzing Duo in Antigua and golden Light

Clinique Superbalm Lip Treatment

NARS Satin Lip Pencils in Lodhi, Yu and Jardin Des Plantes

MAC Lipsticks in runway Hit, lady danger and Play It Soft

Tom Ford Cognac Sable Quad

Tom Ford Lipsticks in Skinnydip, Paradisco and Sable Smoke

Neutrogena Deep clean Long-Last shine control Blotting Sheets (not visualized above)

So that was everything I brought, but this is everything I actually wore…


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So I didn’t use everything I brought.


The lesson I learned? I could have left a lot of of the eyeshadows and lipsticks at home…but a girl’s gotta have options, you know?

At least that’s what I told myself as I stuffed things in the bag, LOL!

Overpacking. It’s a problem.

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