Sheer, These benefit Ultra luxurious Glosses Are Ultra simple to apply

using benefit Bella Bamba Boxed blush as well as Bella Bamba Ultra luxurious Gloss

Ever get a hankerin’ for easy-to-apply sheer glosses in shades that match your preferred benefit boxes blushes?


If you do, Benefit’s most current introduce may be of interest.

Why? since it’s Ultra Plush.

The six $16 shades that comprise the benefit Ultra luxurious Glosses match a few of the lines bestselling boxed blushes.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


The benefit Ultra luxurious Glosses

Bella Bamba: a sheer, bright watermelon

Dandelion: a soft pearly pink

Coralista: a sheer coral

Hoola: a shimmering golden nude

Dallas: a dirty rose

Sugarbomb: a shimmering pinkish nude

Officially, they show up at benefit counters, stores as well as Sephora next month, however I’ve heard whispers about it being stocked at some Sephora stores early.

Here’s a short look at three of the upcoming shades…

Bella Bamba



From the left: Hoola, Dandelion as well as Bella Bamba

Swatches from the left: Hoola Boxed Blush, Hoola Ultra luxurious Gloss, Dandelion Boxed Blush, Dandelion Ultra luxurious Gloss, Bella Bamba Boxed blush as well as Bella Bamba Ultra luxurious Gloss

Wearing Hoola Boxed blush as well as Hoola Ultra luxurious Gloss

Wearing Dandelion Boxed blush as well as Dandelion Ultra luxurious Gloss

Gotta say, I truly like the texture. They feel comfy on my lips, as well as I like that they’re non-sticky, particularly considering that it’s been so exceptionally windy right here lately.

They likewise have a summer time fruit punch flavor as well as scent that’s juuust right, as well as I’m absolutely diggin’ the packaging.

Okay, however what about exactly how they look? Well, they’re definitely sheer…which I’m fine with. I do like sheer lip glosses, however I believe Hoola as well as Dandelion look a lot more or less alike on my pigmented lips.

Still, I believe these might turn out to be great handbag glosses since they are so sheer, as well as consequently simple to apply without a mirror. All three add incredibly soft color as well as shine, however I desire benefit had provided them a tad a lot more pigment.


PRICE: $16 each
AVAILABILITY: pertaining to benefit counters, stores as well as next month (allegedly seen at some Sephora stores early)
MAKEUP as well as appeal blog RATING: B

អ្នកធ្វើការដែលមានភាពរាក់ទាក់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នក


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