A face of the Day With the new benefit world popular Neutrals a lot of glamorous Nudes ever kit

“Maybe you need to step the cam to the left a little?”
This is the face you make when your parents try to FaceTime you from across the Pacific ocean for the very first time, LOL!

Both my mommy and daddy are retired, in their mid-60s and not the most technologically savvy people. Example: even though I’ve explained it to them a bunch of times over the last six years, they still don’t understand what a blog is (“Why do you post so lots of pictures of makeup and Tabs on the internet?”).


But bless their hearts for trying and for keeping an open mind to new gadgets and gizmos.

They’re on Oahu ideal now, and it’s been a couple days considering that I’ve seen them, so they FaceTime’d me (is that even a verb?) this morning to say hey there and to show me the ocean. how sweet!

Because they’re my parents, I spent 10 minutes checking out my dad’s left ear before they figured out how to hold the iPhone. When they finally worked it out, my mommy grabbed the phone to chat…


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


ME: “Hi, Mom. Whatcha up to?”

MOM: “Oh, I went to a country line dancing class this morning. It was a lot of fun. daddy says he went to the gym to walk on the treadmill, but I think he went to the buffet instead. អ្នក​យល់។ Retired people stuff.”

ME: “That’s cool.”

MOM: “Where’s my tabby?”

ME: “He’s sleeping at the top of his cat tower. I’d wake him, but I’m not in the mood to get scratched.”

MOM: “You know, if I had a grandchild, I’d take her on holiday with us.”

ME: “You know, you already have a grand-cat.”

MOM: “I know! but I can’t take Tabs with me to Hawaii. If I had a granddaughter, I could bring her to the pool, the beach and all that fun stuff.”

ME: “Are you asking for a grandchild so you can have something to do on vacation?”

MOM: “I’m just saying. If you had a baby, it would keep me busy. ideally a girl. Hint, hint.”

ME: “Ummm…”

MOM: “Just something to think about!

Oh, I like your eye makeup today. តើ​អ្នក​កំពុង​ពាក់​អ្វី?”

ME: “It’s a new kit from benefit called the most glamorous Nudes Ever.”

MOM: “Those are great colors. I think they’d work for a new mommy or maybe even a grandma, hee-hee! maybe you can get me that kit for Christmas. Hint, hint.”

Me: “You’re sure full of hints today!”

សើច​ឮ​ខ្លាំង! Parents. Gotta love ’em.



Additional makeup worn in this look



Benefit Coralista (apples)
Benefit Hoola (just below apples to contour)
Benefit It’s complicated Longwear Powder shadow from the most glamorous Nudes ever kit (worn as a highlighter on upper cheekbones)


Benefit Full-Finish Lipstick in slow Zone
Benefit Ultra plush Gloss in Coralista


Hourglass Arch sculpting Brow Pencil (brows)
Chanel Le volume Mascara (lashes)
MAC Eye Kohl in Teddy (waterlines)

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