Saturday Surfing, July 27th, 2019

A blush a day?
Every once in a while, I get this crazy hankering to do things like wear every single blush in my collection.

Not all at once, mind you (although that would be kinda fun) — but one blush per day. Or, to try on every single lipstick I own.


ព្រះជាម្ចាស់​អើយ។ Like, how long would this actually take me? I’ve been trying to do the math, and I estimate it would take roughly FOR-EV-ER.

Yeah, I’m still cleaning out my makeup drawers, but I’m seriously considering doing the blush thing, even if it’s just to make my way through my MAC blushes…and maybe NARS…and I’m realizing best now that homegirl’s got a thing for warm peachy coral blush. It’s pretty apparent when I see them all together, HA HA HA!

Have you ever tried something like this? — using every lip product or blush in your makeup collection? I think it could be quite fun and weirdly satisfying in an OCD way.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


In today’s news, I’ll be chipping away at Marie Kondo-ing my makeup today, among doing other things, including prepping the condo for the work that starts next week.

About that, none of it is awfully exciting work at this point. I *wish* it was the fun stuff, but it’s just repair work to the house guts. A new water heater, new furnace, and a new air conditioner, because NONE of them work correctly. The work needs to happen (especially the furnace replacement before it cools down in fall), but they aren’t aesthetically sexy home projects.

Lord knows how I’m going to be able to write with people clanging all up in our pipes and sh*t, but I’ll try!

I may post a lotta lists next week…

As for this weekend’s actual Caturday surfing, here are some tidbits and factoids that caught my eye. I hope you find them interesting, too. ?

Did you know that for the ancient Greeks and Romans, a unibrow was *THE* supreme of all #browgoals, and was associated with the most desirable and intelligent women? This post plucks out (ha ha) the most interesting fun facts about the history of eyebrows.

So, El Hub and I took Connor to view The Lion King last weekend, and one of the film previews was for the new Cats movie. After it played, we just sat there taking a look at each other wondering, “WTF just happened?” I’ve never seen the musical… All I know about Cats is the Memory song, which I remember being major in the ’80s, and that the characters are a bunch of ? felines, but the trailer was strange as hell, and I don’t know if it’s implied to be intentionally campy, or if you’re expected to take it seriously. I was…and still am… very confused. As a bonafide CCL, I feel like I ought to be down with a Cats movie, but I dunno, man. (I put the trailer down below.)

HOORAY! new York is the first state in the nation to ban declawing cats. Let’s hope the other 49 follow suit.

Here’s how to pet a cat, according to science. ?‍??

According to some experts, the K-beauty 10-step skin care routine is a myth perpetuated by marketing, and Korean charm enthusiasts don’t use nearly as numerous skin care products as we’re led to believe.

Looking for a way to start a four-alarm blaze in your wallet? Well, Tom Ford’s launching skin care soon…with a $350 serum and a $450 cream, and that’s just for starters.

Woo-hoo! — I see my fave Bliss blue wax on this list of the best waxing products for at-home hair removal.

Entrepreneurial scientists are currently engaged in a global arms race to generate sustainable hair follicles that will hold their shape, and whoever finds it first could render hair loss obsolete (for the very wealthy, at least).

A friendly pointer to unplug your heated hair devices, especially flat irons

My obsession with Sir John is real, people.


Seriously, so weird

The original shake shack!

Feeling it

I just started cooking my eggs like this, and my life is forever changed, #blessed.


Have a terrific weekend, friend!



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