Saturday Surfing, March 12, 2022!

great morning, as well as happy Caturday to ya!

Guess what? Corsages are still a thing (just in situation you were wondering). I haven’t believed about corsages since my high institution prom. I just presumed they’d be out of fashion, however they’re not! — as well as you can still get them at floral shops. I discovered this out yesterday while looking for a corsage for Connor to wear to her school’s father-daughter dance. A regional flower shop in town (Morning Glory Florist) made her a quite custom corsage with pink roses.


She as well as El Hub danced the night away.

So I had a unusual Friday night to myself. Originally, I was going to chill on the couch as well as veg with an episode of “The Dropout,” however I treated myself to a trip to Nordstrom rack as well as a pair of laid-back tennis shoes instead.

These are the Winklace sneakers by Dr. Scholls, as well as they’re like clouds on my feet!


Cats & makeup Sweatshirt ??


Shop Now

Years ago, I had a pair of Dr. Scholls flats as well as used them virtually into the ground. I liked them, however they didn’t last long — about a year or two, tops. I’m anticipating this new pair will have a similar shelf life. I’d much rather buy shoes that last, so if you understand a brand that makes comfy, adorable shoes that last for years, please let me know.

This week’s reading

Ten strangers are linked with a life-saving kidney switch including living donors.

Ever question if skin-care products really expire?

Fifteen of the very best detangling sprays to undo your knots!

It’s all about pastels in the Sally Hansen X Peeps collaboration.

In situation you were wondering what shade of red Amanda Seyfried’s using in “The Dropout.”

YSL produced a portable gadget that prints bespoke lipstick shades. FANCY!

I’m totally watching this.

Maybe Connor as well as I will go right here someday!



I’m going to requirement all these tools.

Build that muscle!


Drop that knowledge.


What are you as much as today? got any type of time to relax?

Your friendly community beauty addict,


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** ការផ្តល់ឱ្យត្រូវបានបិទ ** This giveaway is closed, as well as the champion has been contacted (CONGRATULATIONS, EMILY!!!), however inspect back next Saturday for one more giveaway. Rise as well as