When Your Eyes might utilize a bit Fairy Magic, provide Them the Chanel Délicatesse Ombres Fleuries Quadra Eye shadow combination

From the Land of Fey by method of Coco’s castle, the new $60 Chanel Délicatesse Ombres Fleuries Quadra Eye shadow palette
Mermaids, elven archer women as well as fairy princesses may not requirement the new Chanel Délicatesse Ombres Fleuries Quadra Eye shadow combination since their immortal eyes already shimmer in sunlight, however mortal mavens looking for a luminous quad to fake their method into the Land of Fey might do a great deal worse than this $60 quad.

The pink as well as plum shadows have an almost ethereal effect, like sunlight filtering with fairy wings, while the jade as well as mint eco-friendly (yep, that white pan really appears minty on my skin!) give mind pictures of water droplets glistening on a mermaid’s tail.


Part of the restricted edition Chanel Les Delices de Chanel collection, Ombres Délicatesse Fleuries Quadra Eye shadow isn’t only about spritely eyes, soft spring-like colors as well as delicate shimmer. It’s likewise about the Benjamins, as in it costs $60!

Ombres Fleuries Quadra Eye shadow ($60)
Containing colors with medium coverage, it’s one of those quads where you can stack on the layers like sediments in the Grand Canyon as well as never look like you’re using as well much makeup.

If you struggle with blending sometimes, this might be a great quad to consider, since even if you accidentally apply as well much, you can just buff it out as well as be fine. It’s type of wonderful that way.


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ



The powders likewise don’t appear heavy or caked on, so it gets along well with my fine lines.

Gals/guys who have been playing the makeup game for a while as well as gravitate toward no-nonsense shadows with great deals o’ pigment may want to wet their clean very first to accomplish a level of intensity they like.

I dig the option of colors in this quad, as well as I like the method the plum contrasts with the pastels. It’s a spritely, resilient quad that’s likewise super simple to utilize (and a great in shape for more mature women as well as gents).


Very pricey, though!

PRICE: $60
AVAILABILITY: offered now at choose Chanel counters as well as chanel.com
MAKEUP as well as beauty blog RATING: B+

អ្នកញៀនសម្រស់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នករាក់ទាក់


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