I’m Scent-Sing Something wonderful From the Napoleon Perdis Merci Lip Gloss Collection

The new $39 Napoleon Perdis Merci Lip Gloss Collection, a restricted edition holiday kit, on sale now at Neiman Marcus
It took me a while to location it, however I believe I figured out what the aromatic glosses in the new $39 Napoleon Perdis Merci Lip Gloss Collection remind me of, as well as when it hit me, I was like YES! say thanks to goodness for my basset hound-like sense of smell.

I may not be able see worth a damned (my eyesight’s crap, man), however at least I can pinpoint precisely what stuff smells like, which I’m sure will NOT are available in handy when Z-Day goes down, however whatevs… At least it’s useful for figuring out fragrances, as well as these odor (and taste) precisely like fresh lychee, I youngster you not.


I believe the only reason I might location the scent is since I had them (lychee) last summertime on Kauai. I bought a little bag at a farmers’ market to snack on at the beach.

There’s just something so…glorious about letting your muffin top hang out as well as eating fresh lychees at the beach. It’s right up there with the very best of life’s most underrated pleasures.

But sufficient about fruit. I should most likely get to the glosses…


ឆ្មានិងគ្រឿងតុបតែងមុខរបស់ឆ្មា ??

42 ដុល្លារ


These might almost pass for dupes of MAC Cremesheen Glasses, as well as that’s most likely why I’ve been crushing on ’em.

នៅក្នុងក្រញាំរបស់ខ្ញុំសម្រាប់ធ្វើមាត្រដ្ឋាន …
Swatches from the left: Anna, Casey, Kate, Rebecca as well as Tannia


Non-sticky, smooth, ultra-hydrating (the formula contains Vitamin E, a rather simple moisturizing ingredient, as well as no nuts or extracts from exotic rainforests or anything) as well as straight-up comfy, they go on pigmented at first, however sheer down within about 15 minutes. Overall, they last from 2-3 hours for me.

I like ’em. I do believe they’d be a great deal cooler if the packaging didn’t look like licorice candy. Granted, it’s unique (can’t state I’ve seen anything rather like it before), however it’s difficult to tell a few of the colors apart with their twisty tubes.

These likewise have a clean applicator, by the way, which I’d normally be awesome with, however in this situation the bristles on a few of them have splayed a bit.


I’m team Doe-Foot all the way, man.

PRICE: $39 for a set of five glosses
AVAILABILITY: restricted edition, as well as offered now at Neiman Marcus stores as well as neimanmarcus.com
MAKEUP as well as beauty blog RATING: B+

អ្នកញៀនសម្រស់សហគមន៍ដែលរឿយ ៗ របស់អ្នករាក់ទាក់


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