The Tarte Rainforest After Dark colored Clay Eye & Cheek Palette: When This snake Bites, It’s good for Your Skin

wearing the new Tarte Rainforest After Dark colored Clay Eye & Cheek palette ($38) on my eyes and cheeks

Freak out, man! SNAKES! They’re all over Tarte’s fall collection, including the Rainforest After Dark colored Clay Eye & Cheek palette ($38), which is kind of like the star serpent of the nine-piece release slithering now across Tarte counters and online.


The collection includes both limited edition products and new pieces bound for the permanent line, with the After Dark palette being one of the limited edition items.

The palette houses nine powder products — six eyeshadows, a bronzer, a highlighter and a blush — in colors inspired by the deep orchid shades of a rainforest at dusk, and in true Tarte fashion, the whole enchilada is cruelty-free, and made without parabens, mineral oil, phthalates, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate or gluten.

Like numerous of Tarte’s products, this one is developed to deliver skin benefits which, in a way, I’m kind of conflicted about…


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42 ដុល្លារ


I mean, I love that whole idea — the idea of makeup that doubles as a skin care product — but I’m just not sure how well it works.

With serums and moisturizers, I can actually see and feel them being absorbed into my skin, but with makeup, it’s kind of just sitting best there on top, ya know?

Is it doing anything? I don’t know, but I figure it can’t hurt.

The secret ingredient in these is something Tarte calls colored clay, a very absorbent clay able to auto-magically color appropriate and address your particular skin and complexion concerns, and these powder certainly do absorb oil well.

Might be something to consider if you have very oily lids and/or cheeks.

The colors — plums, tans and golds — are all fairly neutral, and not too cool nor warm, making them good fits for a broad range of skin tones.

It’s hard to really mess up when using the eyeshadows, too, no matter how much I pack on, because they aren’t crazy pigmented (I’d say they’re about a medium). They blend out beautifully without looking too heavy.

I do notice a little fallout, but it’s not a big deal. just tap off your brush first, or work it into the back of your hand.

In terms of performance, the eyeshadows put up major points. In a ideal world, though, I might darken the darker shades a bit.

As for the blush, wow, so beautiful. That matte plummy tone sure looks natural on the skin, but the Park Ave. Princess bronzer? Eh. I think that one’s just OK. probably better suited for lighter skin tones than mine.

Oh, about the gold highlighter and gold eyeshadow — holy highlight that, man! We’re talking really, really shimmery.

All and all, I’d say it’s a beautiful palette — ideal for gals/guys who like natural looks with a kick.


I typically choose a little much more oomph from my eyeshadows, but I still see a lot here I’m sure I’ll wear this fall.

“Product Performance: inspired by the deep orchid shades of the Rainforest at dusk, this palette has everything you need to create sultry, sophisticated looks to take you from day to night. Each pigmented, flattering shade is infused with colored clay, which naturally color-corrects as it helps control oil for longer, truer wear. This next generation ingredient from the mountainous regions of Brazil brightens, evens and soothes skin while the velvety formula glides on and delivers rich color without settling into fine lines or wrinkles.”


New limited-edition and renowned shades inspired by sultry Amazonian adventures include:

bare to explore (pink beige)

make a mauve (plum mauve)

plum away with me (dark plum)

up to no gold (gold)

tan-gled up in you (tan)

don’t turn a-brown (dark brown)

unleashed (nude rose blush)

champagne (highlighter)

park ave princess™ (bronzer)

Powered By: colored clay: color-corrects as it specifically addresses individual skin & complexion concerns

rose clay: soothes skin around the eye area

vanilla clay: helps control oil to keep pigment in place all day

gold clay: maintains gentle skin balance and moisture

Swatches from the left: Eyeshadows in Bare to Explore, Make a Mauve and Plum Away With Me
Highlighter in Champagne, Bronzer in Park Avenue Princess and blush in Unleashed
Eyeshadows in up to No Gold, Tan-gled Up in You and Don’t turn A-Brown
Wearing Eyeshadows in up to No Gold, Tan-gled Up in You, Don’t turn A-Brown and Plum Away With Me on my eyes, and champagne Highlighter, Park Ave. Princess Bronzer and Unleashed blush on my cheeks
On my lips I’m wearing theBalm read My Lips Lip Gloss in Pow


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